Presentation: From Pages to People

Magnolia ConferenceAt the end of June, I spent a few days in Basel, Switzerland at the Magnolia CMS Conference. In my presentation, in forty minutes, I tried to cover how a modern site needs to change from funnel to journey, what tools you can use for this, the infrastructure that ties all this together. And of course, penguins. A lot of penguins. Magnolia has created great videos of all the presentations, so if you have some time to waste, here’s mine.

The time I had was still way too little to cover all of the aspects in any detail. I know I raised a lot of questions, without giving bite-sized, easy action items to answer them. That’s not to say I don’t know how to tackle this — just that it would take another few days to go over the actual solutions to the issues I describe! Feel free to ask anything you’d like to know more about in the comments below.

Finally, I have to prove that I don’t only talk about penguins. I was also on the “Mastering Customer Experience Management” roundtable discussion with Christopher Justice (Magnolia’s CMO), Tim Walters (Partner and Principal Analyst at Digital Clarity Group), Janus Boye (CEO and Head of Research, J. Boye), and Mike Johnston (of

So instead of penguins, here’s me talking about Ferraris:

The full video of the roundtable is also on YouTube.

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